Community Conversations

Winter 2021

(December 2021 to February 2022)

The holiday season and changing COVID 19 data dominated this period for the Community Conversations efforts.

Winter weather had a strong influence on opportunities for Weston Walks as travelling was impacted by a heavy winter storms and colder temperatures that made outdoor meetings less appealing for everyone.

For the second year, Castlepoint Numa (together Weston Park Baptist Church) supported food and coat drive programs in Weston. A pop-up shop in collaboration with Frontlines provided a retail experience for the community to select gently used winter coats and provide winter coats to the TTC and Toronto Police 12th division coat drive.  All events, meetings and outings adhered to guidelines including physical distancing and mask wearing in line with public health measures.

We continue to reach out and learn about Weston Villlage and its citizenry with interviews, calls, emails and virtual conversations with individuals and community groups.

Winter 2021 Highlights

Vaccination efforts continue in Weston Village, which enabled community members to be more comfortable in engaging in local events. Safe gatherings brought some winter energy and excitement to Weston Village.  The first ever Winterfest produced by the Weston BIA was a highlight for the community at large and the event, which featured in and outdoor elements, enjoyed strong support and participation.

Our team was very pleased to once again support the food and coat drives in advance of winter weather and holiday preparation. We also participated the Business Improvement Association Annual General Meeting, Weston Village Residents Association Meetings, and Toronto Police 12th Division neighbourhood updates. We also managed to get a few February neighbourhood walks completed, which included visits to some of our neighbouring retailers.

As in months since the project kick off in February 2020, individuals and groups were happy to connect, converse, and share their ideas, experiences, and aspirations for the future of Weston. It is an honour for us to have such an engaged and engaging community in Weston.

Winter Top Community Conversation Topics

  • Holiday season annual events and revamped event participation and support;

  • COVID vaccination community clinics in Weston Village and vaccination rates;

  • Food security and increased demand for food bank services; and

  • Project progress updates.

By the Numbers

As mentioned, winter weather impacted in-person opportunities to meet. However, weekly visits to locations in Weston Village continued with a few indoor meetings complemented by virtual meetings and telephone interviews providing alternatives options to connect and stay in touch over the chilly days of December, January, and February.

These discussions continue to provide insights into the way Weston lives and works, the keen sense of community in Weston and the future aspirations and hopes for the future generations of Weston.

8 Zooms

16 Walks/Outdoor Meetings

22 Indoor Meetings

7 Neighbourhood Drives

49 Telephone Chats

201 Emails


Community Conversations


Community Conversations